FAQ about Liposuction in Thailand

Frequently Asked Questions- FAQ

FAQ: What is a “Medical Vacation”?

A: Medical vacation is the act of traveling outside of your country for medical treatment. Due to the high cost and long wait for health care in the US, Europe, Middle East and parts of Asia, medical tourism has become one of the world’s fastest growing industries.

Internationally accredited facilities in Thailand offer medical treatment at a fraction of the US cost, providing individuals with a viable and timely alternative to managing their health. More than ever, people are choosing to travel abroad for affordable and immediate medical care, opting to recover in privacy while enjoying the beauty and cultural experience of another country.

FAQ: Is having overseas treatment safe as compared to having it done locally?

A: Overseas medical treatment has long been plagued with poor publicity from unaccredited, unlicensed and uninsured “backyard” operators trying to lure clients with low cost treatments and predictably poor results. Not surprisingly, this has given cross-border medical care a bad name. The Medical Tourism industry is blossoming into a mature industry and has become an increasingly attractive option to many individuals throughout the world. In countries where the cost of medical services is beyond the means of the individual, or is simply not available due to lack of technology or expertise, cross-border medical care is a logical alternative.

The fact is that world-class medical services and facilities are available at competitive prices, but the problem lies in discerning the best service provider. And when it comes to personal health and aesthetics, second best just will not do. Without specialized assistance most people are ill equipped to find the best practitioner or establishment to fulfill their medical needs – even if they know the services are available at a lower cost outside their country.

Our biggest strength lies in helping our clients make that decision after careful research and uncompromising due diligence.

FAQ: Is Medical Tourism Safe?

A: The concept of traveling to a foreign country to receive medical treatment may appear daunting, but when the journey is arranged through a respected, knowledgeable and trustworthy agency with established relationships with the most respected medical facilities in Thailand, it is as safe as seeking treatment in the United States.

We do not claim that there are no risks when undergoing a medical procedure. By working with only the highest quality institutions and doctors we strive to ensure the level of risk is no greater than if you were treated in the US. But because each individual’s situation differs, it is important for you to do your own research based on the options that we present to you so that you can make an informed final decision.

FAQ: What is the Quality of Care like?

A: The institutions that we work with have all been JCI certified. The facilities are state of the art, and often create the impression of a high-end hotel rather than merely a hospital. Many of our partners have a strategic partnership with a leading US institution such as Johns Hopkins and Harvard Medical International. Many doctors in the hospitals we partner with have received international training; many are even US board or UK board certified. Additionally, since the international reputation of our partner hospitals is at stake, you can be assured that you will be working with the top doctors in that particular hospital.

FAQ: What medical treatments are available through TMV?

A: We offer Hundreds of solutions for our clients. The most common medical treatments requested are: orthopedic surgery, gastric surgery, cosmetic and plastic surgery, cardiothoracic surgery, interventional cardiology and urogenital surgery.

However, please let us know if the surgery you require is not listed. We will contact our specialists and they will let us know if they will be able to perform your surgery or what options are available to you.

FAQ: How much do these treatments cost?

A: Even when comparing the best specialists, prices for treatments in Thailand are generally 40 to 80% of that in North America and Europe. Often, after adding travel logistics and rejuvenation, clients still pay less that they would have in their home country. Only in Thailand can you truly have the best of both quality and cost.

FAQ: How do I sign up for my procedure?

A: Liposuction in Thailand registers you into the hospital for your procedure after you have returned your completed Registration Form & Disclaimer with your Registration deposit.

FAQ. Why do I pay a Registration Deposit?

A: Your Registration deposit is 10% of the cost of your procedure. It confirms your status and travel arrangements and allows us to invest the time to concentrate on your medical needs.

If you do not believe you have received any value for our service (as a facilitator of your solution), we will refund your deposit fee IN FULL; that’s how confident we are that we will do a great job for you!

FAQ: What happens after my medical procedure?

A: The needs of patients vary. Depending on the nature of your procedure you will either return to your hotel and be treated as an outpatient, be booked into an exclusive aftercare facility and be treated as an outpatient or you may remain in the hospital.

FAQ : What happens if I return home and complications arise from my surgery?

A: While we have not experienced this situation in the past we recommend that your local doctor be involved in your decision to have your procedure carried out overseas and where appropriate be in contact with the treating surgeon. A course of action can be determined from there.

FAQ : Can Liposuction in Thailands (TMV) arrange specific tour excursions for patients after their cosmetic, plastic, or elective surgery?

A: Most times it is better to schedule vacation/tourist type activities prior to cosmetic, plastic, or elective surgery. Also, depending on the procedure and treatment plan, patients recovering from cosmetic, plastic, or elective surgery may be able to go on an excursion after clearance from the hospital. TMV can arrange activities for you at the time of booking.

FAQ: What type of clothing should I take?

A: Bangkok has a tropical climate and is warm throughout the year. Bangkok, Thailand is great for shopping;, so many people bring minimal clothing and buy the rest when they arrive. Clothing that you could bring would be T-shirts, short-sleeved shirts, shorts, pants, perhaps something ‘dressy’, swimsuits, and sandals. And don’t forget the sun block. Liposuction in Thailands (TMV) provides a guide to all this and more as part of our service.

Q: I am interested in an rhinoplasty and liposuction treatment. Could you please give me some information?

A: As the need for an rhinoplasty (nose job) and liposuction varies from person to person, we would like to suggest that you send us your photograph and details of you height, weight, waist measurement, age, and gender, along with past history of any operations / procedures (if any). This way we will be able to advise you of the best way to achieve your ideal weight and shape.

Q: Is liposuction a risky procedure?

A: Every surgical procedure has risks. In liposuction, complications such as internal bleeding and infection can be prevented with a pre-surgery blood check and performing the operation in strictly sterile procedures. Local tumescent anaesthesia also greatly reduces complications. Tumescent liposuction is now one of the safest cosmetic surgical procedures. A great surgeon will also help reduce risks. You can rest assured Liposuction in Thailand ONLY works with the most qualified and accredited surgeons available.

Q: What is the necessary information a person who would like to get liposuction done should know?

A: You should ask the doctors advice about this. Usually, a person who would like to get liposuction done would have to stop anti-platelet medicine 10 days before the surgery. If you are over 40 years an EKG (electrocardiogram) test, chest X-ray, and complete blood count check will be required.

Q: What language do they speak at the hospital?

A: All of our partners are required to have English speaking staff at all stages of patient contact, including administrative personnel, nurses, doctors and surgeons.

Q: Why should I pay for something I can get for free or partially covered?

A: Although your insurance or medical plan might cover the procedure, there may be a lengthy wait list or the overseas alternative may still be cheaper. You must decide whether you want to tolerate any suffering or discomfort while you wait.

Q: Will I need a Passport and Visa?

A: You will need a passport to enter Thailand. You will need a visa in Thailand if you intend to stay more than 30 days. TMV can help you acquire any necessary visas.

Q: How can I assist the practitioner to achieve the best results for me.

A: The more information the physician knows about you, the better job he or she can do. We suggest you provide a photograph and details of your height (centimeters), weight (kilograms), waist measurement (centimeters), age, and gender, along with past history of any operations / procedures you have had. This is particularly useful when undergoing a cosmetic surgery so the specialist will be able to advise you of the best way to achieve your ideal weight and shape.

FAQ: Am I Covered Under My Current Insurance Plan?

A: Medical tourism and dental tourism are relatively complex issues that insurance companies are still trying to work out.  On the one hand, they want to protect themselves from any potential liabilities, oversights, or negligence.  On the other hand, they have tremendous financial incentive to cover affordable procedures performed abroad.  When you consider that many medical tourism surgeries cost less than 20% of what you would pay back home, it’s easy to see why health insurance companies are monitoring the medical tourism industry very carefully. They want to save as much money as you do.

FAQ: Is My Procedure Covered Under My Current Insurance Plan?

A: First, you should consider whether or not your insurance company would cover this particular procedure in your home country.  If you want to receive liposuction, for example, it’s likely that your insurance provider won’t cover this particular procedure, no matter where you decide to receive it.  The same is true of many elective or cosmetic surgeries.

If you determine that your intended procedure is not covered, you might consider exploring travelers or expat insurance instead.  If your procedure is covered, however, you’ll then need to ask whether or not your insurance provider offers global coverage.  Are there any hospitals, medical facilities, or doctors that fall under your provider’s network?  At this early date, the answer will probably be no.  But as mentioned before, the medical tourism landscape is quickly changing in favor of individual patients.  Blue Cross Blue Shield, for example, recently added Indian-based Wockhardt Hospitals to its global network.  And there are a number of other insurance providers that are trying to follow suit.

If your insurance does cover you for medical tourism, you need to begin a very thorough discourse that includes your provider, family, physician or dentist, and whatever medical facility you plan to visit.  Make absolutely certain that all concerned parties agree on:

  • Terms of payment
  • Timetable of payment
  • Liability and malpractice concerns
  • Post-operative care
  • Scope of coverage (including travel, accommodations, etc)

Although much of this discussion will likely take place via phone, make sure that you finalize all details in writing.  We cannot stress how important this is.

Communication, mutual trust and confidence are necessary to ensure a successful experience. We encourage you to ask questions, and will take all of the time that is needed to answer them thoroughly and to your satisfaction.

For a custom inquiry please contact us immediately.

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