HiDef BodyTite RFAL Liposuction – Fat Loss & Shrink Skin
BodyTite RFAL or radiofrequency assisted liposuction results in Less Trauma, Less swelling,Bruising,Pain and Discomfort. Prices for Bodytite RFAL start at $
Post-Surgical Liposuction Compression Garments
Post-surgical Compression garments for Liposuction provide support that is especially useful for people who have to stand and or move around. Costs for the
Affordable Bodysculpting Holiday
Thanks to an explosion of fast food options and lack of time for physical activities for most people, getting overweight or even clinically obese is not that hard to do. Aside from the health risks that comes with being overweight, being chubby or fat can severely hurt your level of confidence which in turn affects […]
Australian Steve Talkes About His Recent Vaser Liposuction
Real Review from Real People. Learn Why Steve came from Australia to Thailand for Bodysculpting with Vaser Liposuction. In This Short Video we discuss the reasons why he choose Thailand and Why he choose The Liposuction Center of Thailand for his male cosmetic surgeries. Video Testimonial for Vaser in Thailand [jwplayer player=”2″ mediaid=”7263″] To learn […]
Suvarnabhumi International Airport | BKK Airport
Bangkok’s Suvarnabhumi Airport (pronounced sù.wān.nā.pʰūːm) was designed by the same German Architect that designed the $800 million Sony Center in Berlin