Personally Controlled Health Records in Thailand Take Charge of Life

Personally Controlled Health Records

Every year inaccessibility of paper records and interoperability of legacy systems contributes to significant medical errors. According the Institute of Medicine’s “To Err is Human” report, Medical errors kill as many as 98,000 people in America every year. Proper implementation of a digital health record systems could reduce the number of deaths due to medical errors in the US by at least 70 Percent! Could a Personal Health Record PHR change that?

Secondary to saving lives is saving costs. Personal Health Record PHR are clearly the answer for that problem as well. Studies project the potential annual savings of having Personal Health Record PHR between $81 billion and $162 billion Dollars.

Liposuction in Thailand offer our clients a chance to take control of their own health care though secure online digital records management system via a Personal Health Record PHR.

personal health record thai medical vacation

The Personal Health Record (PHR) is a tool that can be used to collect, track and share past and current information about your health care or the health of someone in your care. Think of it as your personal medicine history. Oftentimes we notice this information can save you money and the inconvenience of repeating routine medical tests. Even when procedures do need to be repeated, your Personal Health Record PHR can give us and your medical care providers more insight into your personal health story.  It is important to remember that you are ultimately responsible for making decisions about your health. A Personal Health Record PHR can help you accomplish and track that.

Important points to know about a Personal Health Record PHR:

-You should always have access to your complete Personal Health Record PHR & health information worldwide.

-Your Personal Health Record PHR data should be able to be accessed online if possible.

-Information in your PHR should be accurate, reliable, and complete.

-You should always have control over how your health information is accessed, used, and disclosed.

-A Personal Health Record PHR may be separate from and does not normally replace the legal medical record of any provider.

-Medical records and your personal health record (PHR) are not the same thing. Medical records contain information about your health compiled and maintained by each of your healthcare providers.

What information goes into a personal health record PHR?

You decide what you put in your personal health record PHR. In general, though, it needs to include anything that helps you and your health care providers manage your health — starting with the basics:

  • Your primary care doctor’s name and phone number
  • Allergies, including drug allergies
  • Your medications, including dosages
  • Chronic health problems, such as high blood pressure
  • Major surgeries, with dates
  • Living will or advance directives

You can also add information to your Personal Health Record PHR about what you’re doing to prevent disease, such as:

  • Results of screening tests
  • Cholesterol level and blood pressure
  • Exercise and dietary habits
  • Health goals, such as stopping smoking or losing weight

What are the benefits of a personal health record?

Having a personal health record PHR can be a lifesaver, literally. In an emergency you can quickly give emergency personnel vital information, such as a disease you’re being treated for, medications you take, drug allergies, and how to contact your family doctor.

A personal health record PHR not only allows you to share information with your care providers but also empowers you to manage your health between visits. For example, a personal health record enables you to:

  • Track and access your health. Record and track your progress toward your health goals, such as lowering your cholesterol level.
  • Make the most of doctor visits. Be ready with questions for your doctor and information you want to share, such as blood pressure readings since your last visit.
  • Manage your health between visits. Upload and analyze data from home-monitoring devices such as a blood pressure cuff. And remind yourself of your doctor’s instructions from your last appointment.
  • Get organized. Track appointments, vaccinations, and preventive or screening services, such as mammograms.

Unfortunately in today’s world this data is held by doctors and clinics where the services were rendered.

our goal is to facilitate a controlled system of record inter exchange that allows the patients to track and maintain personal health record PHR while authorizing chosen service providers to be able to review instantly and accurately.


A Personal Health Record PHR system allows our clients to take control of their medical records and information about your health history. The difference is in how you use your Personal Health Record PHR to improve the quality of your healthcare via a more pro-active approach and allowing continuity of care upon your return home.

We recommend clients take an active role in monitoring their own health and wellness by creating their own unique Personal Health Record. Personal Health Records PHR are an inevitable and critical step in the evolution of international health information management. Liposuction in Thailand can assist our clients create a Personal Health Record PHR with all medical records and tests results in taken in Thailand. We feel this is the single best way of maintaining continuity of care in your home country and regular physicians.  This provides the Health Team of specialists an accurate assessment of your treatment options.

If you havent started a Personal Health Record PHR et please do so now. Liposuction in Thailand can also provide you with a list of firms worldwide that convert your medical files (X-rays etc) into digital format for use with a Personal Health Record PHR.

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